Last night I was caught in a routine traffic 'rut' , you know that snail paced traffic moving gingerly? That is something part of our daily life now. But my alarm bells started ringing when I noticed my gas indicator dropping to last point. There are not many worse things you can imagine than being caught in the middle of a jam packed road without any gas! The nearest petrol pump I knew was not too far away so i was kind of relieved, but what is this? As I reached one of the gas stations it was closed with oil drums blocking the entrance. Second one had one of those long queues of cars resembling
deewar e cheen, motorcycles surrounded petrol terminals like honey bees. "What to do", I murmured. I was running out of gas and standing in one of the queues would mean that I'd run out of gas by the time I get my turn. After a bit of mental tussle I decided to stop at one of the stations which had comparatively shorter queues and finally after idling for about half an hour I managed to get my share of gas which turned out to be only 3 points. I was told
janab gas ka pressure he itna hay , yeah may be all the pressure is directed towards common man in terms of load shedding,fuel shortage,inflation and what not? But then as they say 'Something is better than nothing'. Life goes on.