Heading of a local newspaper read "Shoaib is back, with a ban". Yes he is back and I'd like to see him hurling deliveries at 100 mph in Supreme court of Pakistan.
I think PCB chairman made a blunder by announcing the decision himself. He could easily have delegated the task to some subordinate,however now he is exposed to the criticism. This also gives impression of some personal grudges between PCB chairman and Shoaib , which the former denied in press briefing. I dont see a point in denying it publicly. Shoaib on the other hand is set to drag PCB in courts. Objectively speaking he is also responsible for this outcome , atleast partly. But the way management has dealt to "tame the beast" is pathetic to say the least. I'd hold captain ,coach and team manager responsible for this as well. Shoaib akhtar needs someone who can defend him against PCB management and in the media. This personality could either come in the form of captain, coach or team manager , unfortunately none of the current holders of these designations seem capable. This personality could then have motivated him to deliver for the team, which in return would have given a boost to the team building process. But I am afraid no one is trying to build a strong pakistan team and everybody is here to just save his seat.
If Shoaib is to be sacked then with him should go the current PCB management because they have failed miserably to tackle the situation. May be Dr.Nasim could do a better job with HRDCP only. Shoaib should also reflect on his conduct, I believe he can do himself and Pakistan cricket a world of good by just concentrating on whatever amount of cricket is left in his career and leave the cricket ground on a good note.